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LIVER FLUSH Detox Herb Tea

Organic and Wildharvested Liver Flush Herb Tea A heavier blend of Chicory, Dandelion and Rhubarb Root with St Marys Thistle Seed and Dandelion Leaf. Encourages digestive activity and stimulates the liver. Good during a weight loss or detox program. Made in Australia from Imported and Local herbs.

Historical and Traditional Perspective
Dandelion Root –Taraxacum Officinalis – Aids excretion of excess bile and water. High choline helps cholesterol distribution. Useful for weight regulation. Tonic and stimulant. LAXATIVE. DETERGENT. DIURETIC. ASTRINGENT
Dandelion Leaf – Taraxacum Officinalis – Aids excretion of excess bile and water. High choline helps cholesterol distribution. Useful for weight regulation. Tonic and stimulant.
Chicory Root – Cichorium intybus –  Caffeine-free. Chicory Root is mildly laxative due and is renowned for its tonic effects on the liver and gall bladder. Roasted Chicory Root is often mixed with coffee to counteract coffee’s stimulant effects.
Rhubarb Root – Rheum palmatum – Tonic. Laxative. Astringent. This herb acts as a gentle laxative by stimulating bile secretion and supporting the liver to eliminate waste and toxins. Helps to balance the acidity of the digestive tract.
St Marys Thistle Seed – Silybum marianum – Strong relationship to the gall bladder and liver meridians. Liver and gall problems – colic, jaundice, bile flow. Overloaded with toxins. PROTECTIVE. RESTORATIVE. CHOLAGOGUE.
Historical and traditional perspectives are for information purposes only and are not intended as medical advice.

LIVER TONIC HERB TEA 125gm – Dandelion Root. Dandelion Leaf. Rhubarb Root. St Marys Thistle. Chicory Root.



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