DANDELION ORGANIC Roasted Powder 80g

$19.95 $15.96

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Organic Dandelion Root -Taraxacum Officinalis – has both tonic and stimulant properties with a strong affinity for the liver. Our Dandelion is dry roasted and ground to a fine powder so it can be used as an instant drink – mixed with hot water or milk. It has a deep, rich flavour and is a satisfying coffee substitute. You only need 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon per cup. The jar contains approximately 60 serves.This powdered form is also useful for baking in cakes, biscuits and sweets, or sprinkled over deserts for that ‘ chocolatey ‘ taste. Naturally Gluten Free. Contains NO ADDITIVES. We also have Roasted Granules and Dandelion Raw Root.

Dandelion is so despised as a weed it is often difficult to see this plant for what it really is – a nutritious healing herb with a medicinal reputation dating back more than 1000 years. The Dandelion  leaves and flowers are have a cleansing and tonic effect for the kidneys. The Dandelion Root having a stronger effect on the liver and gall bladder.
Same Family as the Daisy and Marigold. Common names – Lions Tooth. Wild Endive. Piss in the Bed. Blowball. Cancerwort. Swine Snout.

* Product may vary in colour – light to dark brown –  according to the season.