
Scullcap. Hops Bush. Passiflora. Withania. Mistletoe. Blue Vervain. Homeopathic Ignatia.
Ethanol and/or Glycerol base herbal extracts for maximum strength and rapid absorption. Dose is diluted in water.

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Traditional Use References
Scullcap – This root is good for nervous tension, anxiety, hyperactivity and poor sleep patterns.
Hops Bush – Used for anxiety, inability to sleep, restlessness, tension, excitability, nervousness, and irritability. High in antioxidants to maintain the immune system.
Passiflora – Passionflower is native to America, where it was traditionally used as a sedative and calming herb.
Withania – also known as Ashwagandha has a calming effect on anxiety symptoms and a tonic effect on well being improving resilience.
Mistletoe –  recommend as a nervine and heart tonic. Its antispasmodic action makes it useful for sleeping disorders and nervous excitement
Blue Vervain – is used for depression, exhaustion, nervous conditions, anaemia and recovery.
Homeopathic Ignatiarelieves mental and physical symptoms caused by stress, grief or trauma.

The information on this site is based on reference research and is provided as a resource only. The sole focus is on the historical and traditional use of plants, minerals and other naturally occurring  substances. This information is not intended to be considered or relied upon as a substitute for professional diagnosis or medical treatment. Wildcraft Dispensary disclaims responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this site. Consumer Safety

NERVE RESTORATIVE HERBAL EXTRACT / TINCTURE 200ml Passiflora Hops Bush Scullcap Withania Mistletoe Vervain Homeopathic Ignatia